For the first time, I publish excerpts from "िदवारों की धङकनें", an anthology of poems composed during my over ten months in Raipur Central Jail. The first page is an introduction to the anthology, explaining how- and why- it came into being. The second page is a poem I dedicated to my parents. Readers comments, as always, are welcome.
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9 comments (टिप्पणी):
Beautiful poems.
Now the time has come to execute those ideas came into exsitience in the central jail of Raipur.
I believe ideas are important but their implemetation/execution are more important It is idea: implementation= 10:90
Please repost it in PDF or JPG format. It has plenty of mistakes.
I think you have to read & write more hindi.
From -
@ Nanihaal
I shall be grateful if you cd suggest a way i can post the poems in pdf format. please remember that i am using a mac operating system, and as such, am yet to figure out a way to publish my poetry in dev kruti script. as far as the mistakes are concerned, they are due mostly to the problem in transliteration- from roman into devanagari in indic ime software available for firefox. this is another problem i shall be needing help with in order to publish more frequently in hindi. further, i shall be grateful if you could point out the mistakes- grammatical or otherwise- in the above poem.
very good poem bhaiya..excellent creation...
its really very touching..
allow us to breathe plz!stop delivering googlies back-to-back.
Nice one..
shows gr8 energy ..
Hope to see it working with huge list of achivements..
writing a poem like this shows how important independence is for all human beings.
Sitting @my pc wid leisure and enjoying the cool atmosphere, posting a comment here EVERYTHING requires independence
a emotional and heart touching poem i hv read recently !
Good stuf
अब हिंदी अंकण (Typing) हुई आसन....
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आपका ही
अवस्थी सचिन
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