Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chhattisgarh 2008 (2): A Kingdom of Lies

There is an old adage that goes something like this: you can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time but not all of the people all of the time. This adage, however, doesn’t seem to apply to Dr. Raman Singh, the chief minister of Chhattisgarh.

The clearest example of this is his much-publicized, government-sponsored Vikas Yatra: frankly, it is beyond me how he can go to the people, riding gallantly atop a customized state-of-the-art air-conditioned Rath, when he has betrayed them by not fulfilling one word of his party’s Sankalp Patr? Either he is totally and absolutely shameless or worse, he thinks that Chhattisgarhiyas, by nature, are fools. Anybody in his shoes should have hid his face in shame. Instead, he has decided to spend tens of crores of the state’s- and the people’s- money in telling Lies a hundred times in the hope that they would somehow become the truth.

This is perhaps for the first time that the state machinery- and funds- have been so brazenly used for what is a purely political campaign. To me, this is not only evidence of Dr. Singh's excessive reliance on the bureaucracy- his partner-in-crime, so to speak- to see his party reelected; but more significantly, it shows the BJP’s inability to undertake a full-fledged political campaign on its own. Personally, I doubt if Dr. Singh can draw a crowd in the excess of 1000 on his own, and without active state assistance. What’s more, the enactment of the Vikas Yatra clearly shows that he shares this doubt.

The state’s mainstream media, it seems, too suffer from what can charitably be called collective amnesia: rather than sing paens to the chief minister (Vikas Purush, my foot!), it is their duty to remind those in power of the promises they’d made before coming to power- and happily forgotten since. Did not, for instance, Dr. Singh promise among other things, a jersey cow to every tribal family; Rs. 500 monthly unemployment stipend to every youth; and waiver of farmers’ debts, irrigation tax and electricity bills?

It is these tall promises that brought him to power in the first place. In four years, he has done absolutely nothing to fulfill them. This, in my opinion, constitutes a Historic Betrayal of the People of Chhattisgarh- and especially the tribals, the dalits, the youth and the poor, the ones to whom these promises were specifically made. Unfortunately, these people are, because of their peculiar conditions, unable to give voice to their resentment, their anguish, and under these circumstances, the media and the opposition should have emerged as their spokesperson. In the past four years, neither has managed to do so.

Dr. Singh’s Great- and possibly only- Hope is the success of his Rs. 3 per kilo rice scheme, which he launched in obvious desperation less than a year before elections. (His other Hope, i.e., absence of a united opposition has, especially in light of recent decisions made by the Congress High Command, turned out to be a myth.) If I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t be quite as confident.

I’ve toured the state extensively. Chhattisgarhiyas, by nature, are rice eaters. Dr. Singh’s measly quota of 35 kilos per month wouldn’t last a family of four, even a BPL (below poverty line) family, a week. More than anything else, this shows just how little Dr. Singh- and the chaps in khaki shorts who’re plotting his comeback strategy- understand us. Moreover, at least 40% of those having BPL cards had their names struck off during the 2004 statewide revision of BPL lists. In villages like Laata (which is very near our ancestral village of Jogisaar), there are only 5 BPL-card holders among the 400 odd families who live there (!) In Basantpur, for instance, 14 persons who’ve been issued BPL cards haven’t got an ounce of rice to date. The rice that is distributed under this scheme is undoubtedly substandard, and the packets inevitably weigh less than 35 kilos. It would infact not be farfetched to assume that at least 30% of the rice finds it way to the black market. Not surprisingly then, most BPL families are forced to buy their remaining rice requirement from the black market, where the rates have increased threefold to as high as Rs. 18 a kilo ever since this scheme started, thanks to the hoarding & blackmarketeering it has given rise to. In the ultimate analysis, it appears that as with most of Dr. Singh’s schemes, this one too is intended not for the benefit of the poor but to fill the already overstuffed pockets of his corrupt sponsors.

Curiously, Dr. Singh’s propaganda-managers, such as they are, proclaim a “Fear-free administration” (bhay mukt sarkar) as yet another of his strong points. They would certainly have a tough time convincing the over 80000 tribals of South Bastar, who Dr. Singh’s SPOs forcefully uprooted from their homes before packing them like cattle into inhuman makeshift concentration camps and thousands others who are molested, raped and killed outright; the hundreds of city women and girls who no longer feel safe to venture out of their homes; the three dalit women who’re raped every day (according to the Government’s own figures); the shopkeepers and businessmen who have to pay protection money to local goondas (not to mention the minister’s brother, and the local thanedaar); the hundreds of farmers who’ve been forced to commit suicide; the dalit boys who are beaten to death in police custody; the mother who had her infant-child stolen from the capital, Raipur’s biggest government hospital; the residents of Dantewada and Jashpur on the night of the jailbreaks…The list is endless. Indeed, it would not be farfetched to say that in the last four years, Chhattisgarh has turned into the most dangerous state in the country, especially if you’re a tribal, a dalit or a woman. The only persons who are truly fearless are the profiteers, the bureaucrats and the criminals- who rightly believe that they can get away with anything.

Dr. Singh’s other advantage is money: he hopes to overwhelm our entire campaign with funds, as he tried to do in Kota. But as Kota showed, money- even ten times as much- just isn’t enough when it comes to winning elections. What he needs instead is People’s Confidence and Trust, and these, unfortunately (for him anyway) cannot be bought.


There is a rather interesting post-script to this post. To read it, go here.

9 comments (टिप्पणी):

Atul said...

छत्तीसगढ़ के विकास के विषय में तो तब सोचा जा सकता है जब वहाँ पर कोई सरकार कार्यशील हो .
विगत ४ वर्षों से तो छत्तीसगढ़ में वास्तव में कोई सरकार ही नहीं है. रमण सिंह द्वारा नेतृत्व की गयी भाजपा सरकार तो सिर्फ कागज़ पर है. इस सरकार का एकमात्र काम अपनी जेब भरना है. इसके लिए इन्होने पूरे प्रदेश को बेच खाया है.
इस सरकार को एक पल भी बने रहने का नैतिक अधिकार नहीं रहा है.
छत्तीसगढ़ पिछले ४.५ से ईश्वर के हवाले चल रहा है. में भगवन का शुक्रगुजार हूँ की बिना सरकार के उन्होने प्रदेश को भ्रष्टाचारियों और नक्सलियों का गुलाम नहीं बनने दिया कम से कम. इस सरकार ने तो उसकी भी कोशिश करने में कोई कसार नहीं छोडी थी .

मेरी ईश्वर से प्रार्थना है की छत्तीसगढ़ तो क्या, भारत के किसी भी राज्य में और केन्द्र में ऐसी निकम्मी सरकार कभी न बनने दें. और छत्तीसगढ़ को ऐसी नपुंसक सरकार से बचाएं.

Anonymous said...

कास यात्रा नहीं क्षमा यात्रा निकालनी चाहिए......
विकास तों हुआ है ...........
छत्तीसगढ़ मे भा जा पा सरकार का विकास हुआ है....
मनोहर श्याम जोशी ने कहीं लिखा है.
जनता का विकास हो न हो सरकार का विकास तों होता ही है....
इस संदर्भ में आज सरकार तों रमण जी ही हैं. कुछ समय पूर्व मैंने एक भोपाल से निकलने वाली पत्रिका पड़ी थी जिसका नाम था जगत विज़न उसको पड़कर तों लगता है सचमुच रमण सिंह और वीणा सिंह जी का विकास हुआ है. और इसी लिए शायद वे विकास यात्रा निकाल रहे है. इस पत्रिका का होम पेज में नीचे दे रहा हूँ जो पाठक इस पत्रिका को पाना चाहते है कृपया जगत विज़न के इस लिंक पर सम्पर्क करें.
यह आर एस एस का दुर्भाग्य है की उनके कैडर बसे कार्यकर्ता जो की आज सरकार मैं मंत्री हैं या सरकार मैं प्रभावी हैं आपने विकास मैं लगे हुए हैं प्रदेश को भूल गए हैं.
कोई मंत्री मीडिया द्वारा रिश्वत लेते पकडा जाता है और इस आरोप से बचने के लिए मीडिया को ही रिश्वत देने पहुँच जाता है. यह इन कैडर बेस पार्टी कार्यकर्ताओं की सोच है कि
"रिश्वत लो और अगर पकडे जाओ तों रिश्वत दे कर छूट जाओ "
ये मीडिया को भी इसी सोच का समझते हैं.
बस्तर में हजारों निर्दोष आदिवासी सलवा जुडूम के नाम पर मारे जा रहे हैं.
इसको क्या रमण जी विकास मानते हैं जो उन्होने बस्तर से यात्रा शुरू.
मुख्य मंत्री को विकास यात्रा न निकाल कर माफ़ी यात्रा निकलनी चाहिए.
आपका ही

Rajeev Sahu said...

I fully agree with Amit ji's Comments on present BJP Government. In place of people's development, the CM and his his ministers have done their own development ignoring all the promises they have made before elections to come in Power. BJP wants to win elections by distributing Rs 3 per kg rice. They cannot make fool all the times. I think their HONEYMOON is over now and thats why trying all sorts of misuse of Govt Machinery in their Govt Sponsered Campaign like VIKAS YATRA which itself tells the vikas of CM and Ministers of CG at the cost of development of state.

Anonymous said...

Its truley a wonder how shameful a person on post can turn to.
Raman on the grooves of innocent Tribals, villagers, poor is celebrating Vikas Yatra celebration organised by government administration on expence of hard earned money of helpless Chhattisgarhi people.
Sure this is the start of demotion of BJP government and by the time election is at steps BJP RATH will derail.
Thanks people have to bear this government for mere few months.

मनोज कंदोई said...

दमन सिंह, माफ किजियेगा रमन सिंह की तथाकथित विकास यात्रा के संद्र्भ मे आप्के विचारो से असहमत होने का कोई कारण नही दिखता, ऎसा मै इस लिये नही कह रहा हु कि मै कांग्रेस का कार्यकर्ता हुं, यहा जो विचार मै प्रस्तुत कर करा हु ये पूर्णतया मेरे व्यकतिगत है. मैने प्रारंभ मे दमन सिंह यु ही नही कहा आज आदिवासीयों, दलितो और कमजोर वर्गो के लोगो पर छ्त्तीसगढ मे जो कुछ हुआ और जो हो रहा है बंद आखो से भी अनुभव किया जा सकता है,आम जनता पर दमन करने वाले शासको का क्या हाल होता है नेपाल से अच्छा उदाहरण वर्तमान मे नही दिखता,विकास यात्रा वास्तव मे सरकारी तंत्र के माध्यम से भाजपा के विकास का कुत्सित प्रयास के अलावा कुछ नही है, नौकरशाही जितनी इन साढे चार सालो मे बेलगाम हुई है उससे उन्हे भी इस यात्रा से फायदा दिखता ही होगा, पिछले संकल्प पत्र के पन्ने धुल चाटते भाजपा कार्यालय मे पडे होंगे, नये संकल्पो पर विचार करने के लिये वातानुकुलित कमरो की नयी साज सज्जा प्रारंभ हो चुकी होगी। पिछले सालो मे भाजपा सरकार की उपल्ब्धियो मे जाये तो बस्तर मे दो दफा ब्लैक आऊट, राजधानी मे नक्सली द्स्तक, बालात्कार, डकैती, भ्रष्टाचार और ना जाने क्या क्या है? कही फिर से ये सत्ता मे आये तो क्या क्या हो जायेगा उसे सोच कर ही आम आदमी की रुह कापने लगती है। आज सबसे बढी आवश्यकता सुरक्षा की भावना पैदा करने की है और भाजपा सरकार इसमे पुरी तरह से विफल रही है, जब आदमी स्वंयं सुरक्षित नही होगा तो तीन रुपये किलो चावल क्या करेगा।

Remmish Gupta said...

It reminds me of 'India Shining' campaign, spearheaded by BJP during NDA regime. 'Vikas Yatra' is simply a replica of the same in a different way, though inspired by Narendra Modi's 'Vikas Yatra'. How shameful Raman Govt., rather RSS-BJP Govt. functionaries are! Either they think that the Chhattisgariyas are BIGGEST FOOLs or they think that they themselves are extremely smart enough to fool the people. On the expense of hard-earned money of all Chhattisgarhi People, they're organizing such shameful 'Vikas, rather Bogus Yatras'...

On June 15th I was on a vacation in Katghora and incidently, Raman Singh was to address a public meeting there on his cessation during his 'Bogas Yatra'. Fortunately I got an opportunity to listen to the BJP leaders and Raman Singh there how mischievously they're fooling the people of Chhattisgarh and trying to malign the image of INC. I was surprised to see a speechless CM of our beloved state addressing the public, who waited there for him for nearly 4-5 hrs, so dispassionately that even the public started fainting away. Even more surprising part was - our CM himself doesn't know how much was the Financial Budget passed for FY 2008-09. They're simply trying to gain by fooling the people which might affect them badly in next assembly elections (hopefully, it happens). I was even more surprised and annoyed by listening that BJP Govt. is trying to take credit of all Centre sponsored schemes like NREGP and all. It's now the responsibility of all of us to make the common people aware in next 4-5 months about all nicely planned Centre sponsored schemes so that BJP doesn't get undue advantage of and couldn't make the people fool anymore.


Anonymous said...

Dear Amit ji,
every word you have said is eternal truth, i believe that he has lost his mind and because he wont be the CM so he is making every wrong efforts to prove his lies right but i am sure that congress will regain power if Respected Sir Ajit Jogi is declared as CM candidate for Chattisgarh and i know he will.

with best wishes,
yours Diptesh

Anonymous said...

All of you,

"Dil bahlaane ke liye khayal achchha hai Galib".

Yaar I am not a BJP supporter but how could one can hope for Congress govt when we saw the height of corruption during Jogi govt by these father-son duo. I f at all you love CG for any reason you wont want Jogi led govt here even it might be congress govt at the end.

But as far as I can see People still havnt forgotten those days of fear and courruption under Jogi regime. He had goons and rowdy people as the NSUI heads by then who used to extort money from every possible sources.

Amit ji must be knowing it as he was the one who was handling these people.

dr vivek said...

respected sir,

i gone through ur ideas about our pradesh i m quite satisfied with ur views that''THE GLASS IS HALF FULL''but don't u think that our campaign for 2008 election was not organized in a proper way .u will agreed with this point that in these election the people of our state given priority to the image of person in society and his or her well nature b/c HOW CAN A PERSON IN OPPOSITION CAN WIN WITH THE HIGHEST TOTAL WITHOUT GOING TO HIS OWN PLACE IN THE ELECTION B/C HE WAS DOING CAMPAIGN FOR OTHER MEMBER.this can 't happen b/c the people know his professional capability and think this personally that u should take out more such professionally skilled and mirror image person inour party.THAT'S WHY MEDICAL COLLEGE RAIPUR HAS MADE 'PROFESSIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATION.S.O BE

ME FORWARD TO THINK ABOUT THIS MASS AND HOW CAN WE UTILIZE THEIR SKILL FOR GIVING A GOOD IMAGE AMONG OUR PEOPLE. People know the image of this gov. b/c the one who do not have a bicycle now have


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